大埔青年藝術節2021【衝上雲端】(節目詳情:https://tpac.hk/tc/event-list )
《藝術工作室 x 大埔藝術中心》
日期 : 27/2/2021 (六)– 28/2/2021(日)
內容: 兩位古今學生在街上相遇,並帶大家一同遊走大埔的粵劇學習園地,交流粵劇知識和表演做手及唱腔。訪問葉沛纓老師對粵劇的熱愛及教學經驗。
日期 : 27/2/2021(六) – 28/2/2021(日)
(1) 粵劇化妝~花旦
(2) 長水袖
(3) 纓槍雜耍
(4) 花旦頭飾製作
時間:15:00 - 16:00
報名傳送門: https://rb.gy/m89bgp
內容: 工作坊將教授基本粵劇造手及身段,如圓台、雲手拉山、穿掌、台步、指法套數、水袖等,從而認識及提升對粵劇表演的藝術水平。
有關活動內容的查詢,請致電 9032 8973,或電郵至ymscopera@gmail.com
Tai Po Youth Arts Festival 2021 【TPYAF2021OnArtCloud】(More details of events: https://tpac.hk/en/event-list )
Yiu Ming Sing Cantonese Opera
《Arts Studios x TPAC》
Amazing Cantonese Opera in Tai Po
Date: 27/2/2021 (Sat) – 28/2/2021 (Sun)
Premiere: Please stay tuned for our update!
Detail: An ancient student travels through time and meets another student in the present. They then travel around Tai Po together, exchange knowledge in Cantonese opera and interview Ms. Yip Pui-Ying, a senior actress, for her teaching experience and enthusiasm in Cantonese opera.
《Learn Together》
Date: 27/2/2021 (Sat) – 28/2/2021 (Sun)
Premiere: Please stay tuned for our update!
(1) Make-up of Cantonese Opera~Faadan (the female roles)
This workshop focuses on the steps and basic techniques in facial makeup of Cantonese opera; and introduce the production process of Peen Jee (wavy hair bangs or often known as the “hair chips”), with demonstration of wearing Peen Jee and other headgears.
(2) Long Water Sleeves
This workshop starts with wrist strengthening exercises, then extends to a range of basic long water sleeves skills, together with a combination of movements.
(3) Wielding of Tasselled Spears
This workshop shows a set of tasselled spear techniques and demonstration.
(4) Hair Accessories Making for Faadan (the female roles)
The hair accessories in this workshop are easy to make, which is suitable for beginners of all ages. If you are interested, please contact Yiu Ming Sing Cantonese Opera to get a learning pack.
《Live Interactive Workshop》
The Stage Movements of Cantonese Opera
Date: 28/2/2021 (Sun)
Time: 19:00 - 20:00
Number of participants: 10 (Suitable for participants above age 5)
Form of Interactive: Live Interactive
Interactive app/ programme: Zoom
Online Registration form: https://rb.gy/m89bgp
Detail: In the workshop, participants will learn about basic hand gestures and stage movements of Cantonese opera, so as to gain more understandings and to enhance the engagement in the appreciation of traditional Chinese performing arts.
(Please note that due to the limited number of participants in each interactive workshop, the quota for each workshop will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. Successful applicant will be notified together with the corresponding link through email one week before the workshop; however, unsuccessful applicant will not be notified.)
For enquiries regarding the detail of events, please call 9032 8973, or email ymscopera@gmail.com
#大埔青年藝術節2021 #衝上雲端 #藝術工作室X大埔藝術中心 #齊齊學 #互動工作坊 #虛擬體驗 #TaiPoYouthArtsFestival2021 #TPYAF2021onArtCloud #LearnTogether #InteractiveWorkshops #VirtualExperience #耀鳴聲劇團 #YiuMingSingCantoneseOpera